The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website


Guideline definitions of Genres posted at the Writers Voice

Children- Works in this category are for the education or entertainment of children. They can be in any form.

Columnists- You must be accepted as a regular contributor to submit in this form. Topics are unlimited. An example of a columnist is a journalist who regularly contributes an op-ed. column to a daily newspaper.

Drama- Drama can be in prose or verse and is usually a product of serious emotional effect. It is typical for a drama to display events of human life that are extraordinary. Drama is produced while telling longer stories, (historical) or for narratives (a progression of events). It is often written in the form of dialogue, (human events).

Fiction- Fiction is a work invented in the mind of the writer. Often fiction is used by a narrator, (first person) who alleges that what he/she tells is true. Short stories and novels are fictional.

Humor- Comedy, absurdity, incompatibility, or other means for producing positive laughter or amusement.

Narratives- A story of considerable length, in either prose or poetry. The focus is on a single voice to tell a story.

Novels- Are (fictional) works of prose of considerable length. They have plots that are played out by characters and events.

Poems- Poems are written in verse. Traditionally, they use sounds, suggestive and intense language, and other devices such as metaphor to convey feelings and/or ideas.

September 11- September 11, is not limited to any genre or style. It exists to exhibit pieces inspired by (or related to) the events of September 11 2001.

Short Stories- Can be reasonably read in one sitting. they can be in narrative or dialogue form. They can represent anything from intimate personal experiences, to accounts of great human events.

Teen Writings- Are not limited to any particular genre. They are expected to represent what is expressed by young people and what is of interest to them.

*These guidelines are meant to help direct all of us. Quite often, placing of a piece might be a matter for judgment, as lines are often gray.

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