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The World's Favourite Literary Website

Death They Found


Theresa Cecilia Garcia

Romantic Tragedy

Whispers relaxed into gloomy silence
as the hospitable set their eyes
on a portrait possessed with
phantom personages where care-free
days of childhood company and adolescent
first experiences were happily induced
with the promise of illusionment .

Cool air commenced as mourners
paid their respects to the three
obliged to confess how foul play
erased the faintest measure of
abounding good-nature when she,
a most extraordinary woman of reputation
unleashed jealousy, resentment and hatred.

Death they found when tempest gave way
to impatient steps that collided
with the slow lurch of a man.
And with tears streaming down from their eyes,
overcome by sensual sensations,
they lied, cheated, and drank in a frenzy
of suicidal mania, challenging moral sensibilities.

She had borne the other a son
their first child,
and as he watched his wife and childhood friend from afar
pride sweetened
turned to bitter sullenness.
His grief was inconsolable as he struck the first blow.
And as blood ran from their bodies, he watched remorselessly,
before turning the blade on himself
praying all the while for redemption.

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