The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

The Music


Suzanne Tyson

Singer of songs sing for me, play for me. Mirror my memories back to me with the music of my life.

Unleash me. Release me. Hypnotize, materialize

the days gone by and carry my sorrows away

with the notes you sing and play.

Singer of songs, sing! Sing stories which speak to me, a tale true to life,

or dreams and what could be. A new philosophy to set me free

from the emotions of doubt and loneliness, my passions and reactions.

Wail the world’s wrongs into the night and the need for love and right.

Share with me your own rendition of the human condition,

so I will know I’m not alone. Speak to my heart and cause me to cry

and sigh and wonder why there is no perfection, so I may move on

in search of tomorrow. Unleash me. Release me.

Mr. Musician, play for me. Blow your horn, mellow and deep,

strong and low, long into the lonely night. Echoes! Echoes! Of me

and my dreams. Let the notes fly and swirl to encircle me, so my soul

may ride upwards to the stars and back.

Mr. Musician, play for me. Drums setting a steady beat,

wild and foot tapping, rapping out laughter and more love.

A celebration of being in the present and a call

for the future for me to embrace. Unleash me. Release me.

Singer of songs sing for me, play for me. Mirror my memories back to me with the music of my life.

Unleash me. Release me. Hypnotize, materialize

the days gone by, and carry my sorrows away

with the notes you sing and play.

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