The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

One Touch Remedied


Suzanne Tyson

A few human words. Only a few.

Words said in anger or love,

controlling or consoling,

but always speaking volumes.

They are never forgotten.

Imprinted so deeply

they are remembered, replayed

for all the days in a lifetime.

A touch of the human hand, a mere touch,

to linger in the mind and the heart long after.

Giving tears or laughter.

Instilling love or anger

personified by the human hand.

A few human words. Only a few,

Weak and angry, abusing! misusing,

saying 'You are wrong!'

Because I am the strong one.

My louder voice rules. My forceful cuts rule.

These are the tools

of my persuasion.

A touch of the human hand, a mere touch.

Weak and angry, stinging!

savagely saying 'You are wrong!'

because I am the strong one.

My swift hand rules. My heavy fist rules.

These are my tools

of my persuasion.

A touch of the human hand. A mere touch.

A few human words. Only a few.

Remedied by the hand of God.

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