The Writer's Voice

The World's Favourite Literary Website

The Roll


R.L. Walker

"You'll know you've hung it right" said Pop,
"When this little flap here ends up on top."

"But, no, that's wrong!" (I counter-attacked,)
"Mom told me it should hang down in back."

"Well that's upside down" he quickly replied,
"Because this dispenser's mounted on the left hand side"

So I asked him, (somewhat amused,)
"So it all depends on which hand I use?"

He thought for a few seconds, then turned his head,
And with a knowing smile, he answered, and said:
"Left, or right, it matters not,
Flap in back, or flap on top, 
Who really cares?"  grinned my Dad,
"If the roll ain't empty, who's gonna be mad?"

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