The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

A New Horizon


Paul Curtis

That first date, The Anticipation
Butterflies in the stomach
Would she come, would she stand me up?
Then the elation when I see her
Excitement tinged with fear
Nervous laughter punctuates nervous silences
Then relaxed conversation
The touch of her hand
Exchanged knowing glances
The end of the evening
A slow walk home, holding hands
At her door the first kiss
Then goodnight

Before our second date
The empty ache of longing
Stomach in knots, head spinning
The doubts and insecurities
Analyzing every second
Of our first meeting
Looking for signs, reassurances
Then the day came and all was well again
At a family function, her sisters wedding
Stolen kisses And Knowing looks

Then as the days past
More doubts, more insecurities
Should I say I love her Is it too soon
Does she feel the same as I?
Am I rushing it Will I scare her off
Then when we meet again
All my fears melt away
And on that first morning
We woke together
The touch of her hand
The warmth of her smile
I thought I would never doubt again
Then came the next day
When we weren’t due to meet up

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