Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Ambivalent Eyes - Chapter
Nicole Starleigh Yeager

5:27 am (Sunday)
The darkness on the forest floor had begun to lift. It didn't matter much, they
could barely keep their eyes open any more anyway. They were moving at a much
slower pace now. None of them had spoken for the past hour. The quiet was
awkward and Mikki finally decided it needed to be broken.
"Have we figured
out exactly what we're looking for?" she asked, stepping around a large rock.
"We're looking
for some kind of clue," Jesse answered, as though the little spiff between him
and Ashley earlier hadn't happened.
"You mean, like
blood or something?" she asked.
"Well, no, there
wouldn't be any blood unless he died recently. But my guess is that he died
four years ago, when he first left," he answered. "Or else he would have come
necessarily," Quinn said. "If you think about what Rising Sun said about him,
Matthew was strong - physically and mentally. He could survive out here on his
own, without ever wanting to go back. We don't know exactly how bad the fight
was. Matthew may not have forgiven Rising Sun yet."
"Quinn," Nate
said. "Think about what you just said. If he were to run away, why would he
stay on the mountain, or in the forest? He probably would have gone to some
other city. That's what I would have done."
"So, we don't
even know if we will find anything here? We're wasting our time!" Ashley said,
dropping to her knees finally.
They all stopped
and looked at her.
"We're trudging
through this stupid forest by foot and we might not even find anything? Are we
stupid?" She said in disgust.
"Ash," Cassie
said. "Rising Sun said he was here. This is where we will find out what
happened to him."
"Rising Sun said
he came here that night. That doesn't mean he is still here," she retorted.
"He sent us here,
didn't he?" Cassie challenged. "Why would he do that if the answers weren't
Ashley sighed.
"You're right," she answered. "Jess, can we please stop now? I can't go
another foot . . ." She yawned, triggering a chain reaction among them.
He nodded.
"Yeah, the sun will be up soon anyway. Let's find a nice flat spot to make
A few minutes
later, they came across a small, flat clearing. They took out their blankets
and bedded down for a rest. Ashley was so tired she didn't argue or hesitate to
lie down with Nate. She forgot to get out her alarm before she lay down, and
thought of it as she was settling into sleep. She couldn't seem to move to dig
for it though . . . all that stuff in her bag . . . it was sure to be at the
bottom. Nate covered them both with the other half of the large blanket and
turned the other way. Something about her was turning him off at the moment.
Her attitude had suddenly changed. He didn't like it.
Mikki and Quinn
got out their own blankets and laid them down on either side of Nate and
Ashley. Mikki covered her head with her blanket, a little scared of all the
noises she suddenly heard off in the woods. She could hear Quinn begin to snore
from the other side of Ashley and Nate and smiled. Then she fell asleep.
Cassie settled
her head in the little nook where Jesse's arm connected to his shoulder and
drifted off to sleep. Jesse watched her for awhile, thinking about the past
several hours. He wondered if John Clayton had gotten Dancing Water to the
hospital yet. He wondered how Rising Sun was doing. It dawned on him that they
had no idea. He yawned once more, settled himself in the blanket, and went to
In the meantime,
Bo was still running to catch up. He had to find her, because something in this
forest just didn't seem right.
7:02 AM (Sunday)
Jesse was startled awake by the noise of a small whimper. He leaned up and
looked at Cassie. Her faced was molded in fear and sadness, yet her eyes were
still closed. She's dreaming again, he thought. Intrigued and curious, he
remained awake to watch her. There was another small whimper, then her lips
moved, as if she were saying something, but no sound came out.
He brushed a
piece of hair out of her eyes as he realized his arm had fallen asleep under the
pressure of Cassie's head. He didn't want to bother her, though. He was
curious to know what was going on in this dream. Even though he was trying to
convince her that it was all a big coincidence, something in the back of his
mind told him otherwise.
He opened and
closed his numb fingers to try to get some blood moving around in his hand when
he heard a faint gasp and looked down at her face again. Now her lips were
moving continuously; she was definitely saying something. The only sound he
heard were the small wisps of her voice that escaped through her lips from the
dream. He waited, then felt her begin to quiver.
I should wake her
up, now, he thought, trying to spare her from a nightmare. He leaned his head
closer so he wouldn't wake any one else up, too. "Cass," he said quietly.
There was no
response. She was still dreaming. He was about to call her again when...
"AAAH!" She sat
up, bumping heads with Jesse, her own high-pitched scream yanking her from the
dream. Not realizing where she was or who she was with, she jumped when Jesse
touched her arm to calm her down. She was out of breath and panicky, and none
of them had ever seen her that way before.
Jesse noticed Bo
for the first time, as he jumped up from his position at Cassie's feet and
crawled up to kiss her face. "What is he doing here?" he asked, rubbing his
"He must have
followed us," Mikki said, yawning. The others has woken up.
"Cass," Nate
said, trying to swallow his yawn. "Are you alright?"
Jesse looked at
her. She was hugging Bo so tight, her knuckles had gone white.
"She's alright,"
he answered, beginning to panic himself. "She had a nightmare," he told them.
When they all lay
down again to go to sleep, he rubbed her back. Somehow, he knew that now was
not the time to try to talk to her. He wanted to know what happened in her
dream. He wanted to tell her Bo had to go home, he couldn't be out there with
them. He'd only get in the way, he was just one more mouth to feed.
Instead, he
pulled her back down into the blanket and hugged her until she calmed down.
When he glanced at her one time before he fell asleep, she had tears running
down her face. He could feel the hot moisture from her eyes staining his
shirt. He kept quiet and fell back to sleep.
8:30 AM (Cassie's
Charlene shuffled
into the kitchen in her bathrobe and fuzzy slippers to put a pot of coffee on.
She wanted to get breakfast started for Cassie and Jimmy. She cooked them a
nice, big breakfast every Sunday morning and then they went to church together
at the 11:15 service.
Something out of
place caught her eye from the living room. She poured the grounds into the
coffee filter and pushed it into place, turned on the brew switch and walked
around the breakfast bar to the living room. She approached the couch and found
Jimmy lying there, his head resting on the arm, fast asleep.
"Jim," she said,
lightly tapping his shoulder.
He wearily sat up
and yawned, then wiped his eyes and stretched. "Sorry, Mom. I put Bo out and I
guess I fell asleep waiting for him."
"How long ago did
you do that?" She asked, smiling at her helpful little boy.
"Gosh, it was
still dark out, Mom. I woke up in the middle of the night."
"How come Cassie
didn't have him in her room?"
He caught himself
before he said, because she isn't here. "Um, I don't know. Maybe she got mad
at him."
"Well, you better
go get him, he probably wants to come back inside now."
"Okay," he said,
slipping his feet onto the floor and standing up. As he walked to the door, he
thought to himself, Why isn't Bo barking like he usually does?
He got his answer
when he opened the door.
He stared at the
empty leash on the ground. "Mom! Bo's gone!" What would Cassie say when she
found out he had lost Bo? He ran out into the yard in his bare feet as his
mother came hurrying to the door.
"Cassie!" she
called as she headed for Cassie's bedroom.
Jimmy panicked.
How was he going to keep her from finding out Cassie was gone? He had to think
of something fast, something believable. His mind was racing. He couldn't get
his thoughts in order. Any moment she would be opening Cassie's bedroom door
and finding that she's not there. His heart was racing. "MOM!" he screamed.
She was back in
the threshold. "What?!" she asked, a tone of worry in her voice. Nothing
came out of his mouth.
"Jim, what?
What's the matter?" She stepped out onto the patio.
"Uh . . ." he
muttered, searching the ground as if it would provide him with a written
sentence to read. "I- You can't tell Cassie, yet," he finally exclaimed.
"Why, Jim?
She'll want to go look for him."
"Be-because I'll
go find him. I'll bring him back before she . . . gets out of bed," he told his
mother, lying through is teeth. He knew he would never find Bo. There was no
telling how long he'd been gone.
Charlene said, debating the suggestion in her mind.
He crossed his
fingers behind his back so she wouldn't see.
"Alright. But
come in and get dressed first," she told him.
At the sound of
her first word, he'd already taken off up to the front door and into the house.
"And take a treat
for him!" she said as she moved away for him to pass through. "He likes the
bacon ones, I think!"
"OK, Mom!" Jimmy
said from inside his bedroom.
She stood in the
open doorway, listening to Jimmy run around his room, no doubt tearing the place
apart as she looked at the empty collar lying on the front lawn. I hope the
pound guys don't spot him, she thought. They'll take him in for sure.
Especially since rabies is on the high . . .
Jimmy had torn
out of his bedroom, fully dressed, into the kitchen. He hastily climbed up the
counter next to the fridge and stood on the counter top, where he could then
reach the dog treats that Cassie kept on top of the refrigerator so Bo couldn't
get into them.
Charlene didn't
have time to yell at him - he had a handful in his pocket and jumped down so
quickly she was amazed his didn't lose his balance on landing. He ran by her,
taking one swift jump over the small porch and into the yard, from which he
bounded down the road in the direction he knew Cassie and her friends had gone.
"I'll be back
before she wakes up!" he told her, running down the sidewalk.
"Be home in two
hours, tops!" He heard her call after him. Her voice was distant as he ran,
trying to figure out what he was going to do next.
Now what? He
slowed to a brisk walk once he was out of sight of the house. He knew where Bo
had gone, but the dog was too far ahead for Jimmy to try to catch him. Besides,
he would get lost in the woods alone.
"Keep Cassie
safe, Bo," he said quietly. Then he decided to walk over to the park and hang
out there to make his mom think he had been out looking for him all morning.
10:31 AM, Pine Springs Forest
One by one, they slowly woke up to Quinn's urges. "We have to get going," he
kept saying. "If Bo's gone, Cassie's mom is bound to know something is up."
"Not if Jimmy
thought of something," Cassie said, drowsily.
"Well, he's
eight," Mikki said, doubtfully.
"He's smart for
eight," Cassie said, defending her little brother. She patted Bo's head. He
stared into her face, as if to reprimand her for leaving home like that.
"You hush," she
told him, acknowledging the look.
"Cass," Jesse
said. "You've got to send him back. He can't be out here with us."
She looked at her dog, not wanting him to leave.
"Well, Jess,"
Nate began.
Jesse cut him
off. "It's one more mouth to feed that we didn't count on. We don't know how
long we're going to be out here. We need everything we have."
"I'll share my
food with him," Cassie said. "He can have half of everything I have. And there
are plenty of springs around, we just have to find one."
"Cass," Jesse
argued, "you'll run out of food too quickly. Or you'll run out of energy.
Either way, it's only going to set us back. He can't stay."
"But, he's a good
guard dog, Jess," she said meekly.
He remembered the
dream he watched her have. She had yet to tell him about it, but something
about the look in her eyes told him Bo had to stay.
Jesse shivered as
a thousand tiny, icy fingers walked quickly up and down his spine. He looked
around at the eerily quiet forest. Then his eyes fell on Cassie, whose eyes
were fixed on him. "Okay," he said. "He can stay."
The smile on
Cassie's face was more of relief than happiness. He wanted to know what her
dream was about this time, but he couldn't ask her. Not in front of everybody
else; he had to wait. He had to find the right time to make the right excuse to
get her away from the others so they could talk. But, when would he be able to
keep them away long enough to hear about the whole thing?
They packed their
things as quickly as possible, considering they only had about five hours of
restless sleep. They weren't exactly used to sleeping on the ground in the
Fifteen minutes
after they woke up, they were standing in a circle with their backpacks on their
backs and their pillows shoved behind them.
"I have a
compass," Nate said. "But it won't do us any good unless we know what direction
we need to go."
They looked at
each other.
"Did he say
anything about the direction we should go?" Ashley asked.
"I don't
remember," Mikki said. "So much was going on ..."
"I don't think he
did," Quinn said. "I don't remember him saying which direction to take."
"Well, then,
which direction do we want to go?" Nate asked.
Jesse stood, his
forehead crinkled in deep thought, as the others waited to hear what he had to
Bo licked
Cassie's hand and she looked down. He looked up at her, then turned his head
away, looking off into the woods. She watched him intently, as though she had
seen him do this before, or something relating to this had happened before.
something from the dream flashed in front of her eyes. "We have to go
northwest," she said, as though if the wrong person heard her, they would all be
in grave danger.
The others looked
at her, trying to figure out why she was acting so strangely. Cassie could feel
their eyes on her, but she couldn't seem to turn and look. Something was
drawing her gaze into the depths of the forest... she wanted to hurry and get to
whatever was in there... Her mind began to swirl. Visions danced hauntingly in
her head. Were they from the dream? She couldn't remember the dream. All she
could remember was waking up screaming, bumping Jesse's head as she sat up.
Suddenly, her
skin grew cold, but her body temperature grew warmer. She could barely hear her
own voice as she tried to tell Jesse how cold she was... Her vision began to go
out of focus, but still she could not look away from the direction she had been
staring. The visions got larger and darker. She could no longer see the forest
or anything around her. There were only large, treacherous shadows in front of
her eyes, lurching at her. She became nauseous as a wave of heat rushed up to
her head from her stomach, followed by another, icy wave.
She heard a
voice. It was a very dark, hissing voice, which caused every nerve in her body
to freeze with fear and she began to shake. Come to me, sweet, innocent child,
come to me . . . come to me . . .
Then there was
"What the hell
just happened?" Nate shrieked as Cassie lay still on the ground. They were all
in shock.
Jesse fell down
beside her. There was a low growl emerging from Bo's throat as he kept his head
pointed at the same spot Cassie had been looking before she went white in the
face and collapsed. Quinn looked around hastily to try to find what the dog
saw. There was nothing.
"Wake up," Jesse
said, a bit frightened by what just happened. He had never seen anything like
it before - and neither had anyone else. "Cassie!" He held her head up with
both hands. "Cassie, wake up, Cass!"
"Give her
something to drink," Mikki said. "Some water or something."
Ashley threw her
backpack off her shoulders and unzipped it so fast she offset the zipper. She
rummaged through her things and found her water bottle. Opening the cap, she
poured it over Cassie's face.
"No, I didn't
mean that!" Mikki exclaimed.
Cassie coughed
and spat some of the water out of her mouth as she sat up. Blinking wildly, she
grabbed Jesse's arm so tightly she cut off his circulation. She tried to speak,
but no words came out of her mouth. The only thing she could manage was the
huffing and puffing as she tried to get her breath back. She could still see
smoky, vague images of the dancing shadows, but they were fading quickly. And
so was her memory of them. Her mind scrambled as she tried to hold onto the
images - she wanted to tell Jesse everything, she couldn't handle this alone.
"What... are you
alright?" Jesse said, his voice breaking. He pulled her close to him and hugged
her. "What just happened? What was that?" There was a sense of panic in
his voice. What the hell is going on with her?
She still
couldn't find the words.
Quinn was trying
to find out what Bo was still staring at. Finally the dog whimpered and laid
down next to Cassie.
"What?" Jesse
asked again, holding her at arms' length, his eyes searching for some kind of
explanation in her face. All eyes, even Quinn's, were on her.
"I..." she began,
but trailed off. Her gaze fell to the ground.
Jesse moved his
head to intersect her gaze. "Cass, what? Tell me what just happened!"
"I don't know,"
she answered. "I don't remember." She looked directly into his eyes. "What
"You - you said
you were cold..." Jesse couldn't find the words.
"You looked
possessed," Mikki told her.
"You shush,"
Ashley scolded Mikki. "There's no such thing."
"Yes, there is,
and you of all people ought to know," Mikki retorted.
Cassie watched
them bicker.
"Try to
remember," Jesse whispered to her while Mikki and Ashley continued their little
Nate was sitting
on the ground, holding his right hand over his heart, as if he could make it
calm down. Quinn stood with a puzzled look on his face, trying to make
something of the situation.
"Don't tell me
what I should know!" Ashley snapped. "God wouldn't let anything possess us!"
Cassie realized
she could no longer remember a thing.
"Ashley, demons
have free will, too!" Mikki replied smartly. "Remember? He gave everyone free
will and that's why..."
Demons . . .
"Tell me what I
did," Cassie whispered back to Jesse as the argument went on.
"You said... you
said 'northwest' and then you phased out. No, you said you were cold, first.
You got really pale and -- passed out," he told her. "What did you see? What
did you and Bo see?"
"Bo?" she said.
She looked at her dog. He seemed weak, as he only lifted his heavy eyelids for
a moment to look at her. Then he closed them again. "Bo saw it, too," she
murmured to herself. "Northwest?"
"Saw what?"
Jesse asked.
"I don't know, I
don't remember," she answered.
"You just said Bo
saw it, too," he said. "How can you say he saw it, too if you don't even know
what you saw?"
"Look at him,
Jesse!" she whispered a bit hoarsely. "It's... it's the feeling..."
She threw her
hands up in exasperation. "Why can't I remember anything?"
"What feeling?
What are you talking about?"
"It's-it's -- I
don't know! Almost like... you're in limbo, you know, somewhere between here
and there."
"Where's there?
What do you mean, there?"
"I don't know."
"Then how can you
"Jesse," she
whispered as she leaned in closer.
He leaned closer
to her, too.
"Every once in
awhile I catch a little glimpse of the last dream, but then I lose it right
"The dream,"
Jesse said. "What do you remember about the dream? Anything?"
"No. I just
remember... fear."
He was still
staring at her with the same anxious look on his face and she needed to loosen
the tension.
"Well, I remember
the bump, too." She smiled.
He laughed
nervously. "Yeah."
She suddenly grew
annoyed with the bickering between Ashley and Mikki. "Can you please stop?" she
lightly scolded.
Their mouths shut
quickly as they turned and looked at her. "Sorry," Mikki said.
Ashley finished
the fight with one last unseen glare at Mikki.
"Let's get
going," Nate said, standing up and adjusting his backpack.
"Wait, I need to
fix my zipper," Ashley said, sliding the half-empty water bottle back inside.
"I broke it when I got the water out."
Nate walked over
to her, annoyed (like Quinn, Jesse and Cassie) by the little argument she and
Mikki had, took the backpack from her hands and hastily put the zipper back on
track. "There," he said. "Let's go."
right?" Quinn said, looking at Cassie.
She looked back.
Everyone expected her to answer. She looked at Jesse, not knowing what to say.
"Yeah," Jesse
said. "Northwest. Let's go."
"Jesse, are you
sure?" she whispered, not trusting herself.
"You seemed sure
enough for both of us." The look in his eyes dug deep inside her.
"Nate, you got
your compass?" Quinn asked.
"Yeah." Nate
pulled the little compass out of the front pocket of his backpack. He opened
the small lid and looked at it for a minute, letting it settle on one
direction. Finally, the needle pointed North. He turned to the left. "That's
due north," he said, pointing straight ahead. "So we gotta go this way." He
led them in the direction of northwest.
"Come on, Bo,"
Cassie coaxed her tired dog. "We gotta go."
Bo obediently
rose to his feet and followed. Jesse squeezed Cassie's hand as they walked
behind Nate and Quinn. Ashley and Mikki, not speaking to each other, fell into
line with them.
Meanwhile, in
East Park...
Jimmy cleared an
entire area of the wood chips under the swing set while swinging to and fro,
dragging his feet. Looking at his little man-made valley, he imagined that the
hills around the front edge were the mountains. He pretended that the subtle
slope on the other side was the forest they had to get through. His eyes
traveled to the wooden railroad tie that bordered the swing set play area. That
was the edge of town. He walked the four and a half-foot distance to that edge
and stood on it. Little one centimeter Cassie and her tiny friends would only
be about two or three inches into the wood chip forest... they had a long way to
He looked over
into the woods and sighed. Oh, but what an adventure they have waiting for
them! Jimmy longed to be out there with them.
It was nearly
eleven o'clock before Jimmy made it back home empty handed, except for the
treats in his pocket. Charlene met him at the door.
"Well?" she
asked. "You didn't find him, huh?"
"No, he's gone,
Mom." He approached the front door.
"Jim, do you know
where Cassie went last night? Or maybe early this morning? She's gone. But I
don't understand it, because I saw Jesse and Quinn's cars still here."
"G-gone?" he
asked, his heart pounding. "N-no, I didn't know . . ."
"Maybe she knew
Bo was gone and went to look for him already."
"Yeah, Mom, she
could be gone for hours."
"You're right.
She'll never come home until she finds him. All right. Come on in and get
dressed, all right? I'll get you some brunch."
Jimmy suddenly
realized he was hungry. "Okay." Phew.
12:11 PM Pine
Springs Forest.
"Oh, my, gosh. I
don't think I can handle this anymore! Nate, we gotta stop, it's too much! I'm
so tired!" Mikki moaned as she leaned up against the tree.
"Mikki, we've
gotta keep going," Ashley said, having a change of heart. She didn't want to be
the cause of any trouble among the group. "Like Jesse said, we're not really
out of the search radius yet."
Mikki looked
pleadingly at Jesse, who shrugged his shoulders and turned back to the path. As
they started off again, Mikki gave one last hopeful look at Quinn. He shrugged
as well. She moaned and pushed herself off of the tree. "All right, all
right. But, when will we be safe enough to rest?"
"When we find
Matthew," Jesse answered from ahead. "Nate, how's our direction?"
Nate turned
around. "We are headed smoothly northwest, my friends," he answered, his mood
light as he walked backwards. "We are right on target."
"Watch where
you're going, Nate," Cassie forewarned.
"Oh, don't worry-OOF!"
Nate tripped over a stump and flipped onto his back. "Ow..." He froze in pain.
"Nate!" Ashley
yelled, pushing past Cassie and Jesse and running up to him. He was trying to
sit up. "Oh, gosh, are you alright?"
"Ahhh," he whined
in pain. "Oh, I landed on something."
Jesse and Quinn
were now by his side, each grabbing an arm. "Can you get up?" Quinn asked. "If
it hurts too much, don't get up yet."
"No, ow! I'm -
I'm alright!" He let them pull him up and rested his hand on his back. "Oh,
Lord, I didn't realize falling down could hurt that much."
"Nate!" Ashley
He looked at her,
then glanced at the sky. "Sorry," he said, then he looked at Ashley again.
She wasn't sure
whether to smile or feel offended. She managed both with a tight-lipped smirk.
"Oh, look!"
Cassie pointed at the spot where Nate had fallen. "The compass," she said, with
a look of such worry on her face that Jesse began to feel it himself.
"It's destroyed.
Jeez, Nate, how much do you weigh?" Quinn asked, inspecting the crushed
instrument. "It's smashed!"
"I beg your
pardon . . ." Nate replied. "You weigh more than I do."
"Well, this is
just great. How are we going to get anywhere, now? We just guess?" Mikki
asked, frustrated.
"Chill, Mik, it's
just a compass," Jesse said, trying to calm her down.
"Nate! How could
you be so clumsy?" she accused.
"Hey!" Ashley
yelled. "He couldn't help it!"
"I can fight my
own battles, Ash," Nate said. He looked at Mikki. "I couldn't help it."
"Bull!" Mikki
yelled. "You just had to go showing off and walking backwards! You are such an
idiot sometimes! Do you ever think things over?"
"Hey!" Quinn
"Shut up, Mikki!"
Nate fought back. "You would have done the same thing! I was just trying to
keep every one in a good mood!"
"Like you have
that ability? Who are you kidding?" she threw at him.
"All right!"
Jesse screamed.
They kept it up.
Nate stepped forward and Ashley grabbed onto his arm to pull him back. "What is
your problem, Mikki? You've been nothing but miserable since we started out
this morning!"
"My problem? I'm
not the one that broke the compass!" She stepped forward. Cassie stepped in her
way. "It's just a compass, Mikki! No big deal!"
"Will you guys
knock it off!" Quinn shouted.
Bo started
"Why did we let
him lead us anyway? Whose bright idea was that?" Mikki yelled.
"I'd like to see
YOU try to find your way around any place other than the mall and - and the back
seat of Allen Jefferies' car!" Nate screamed.
Mikki was shocked
and speechless for a moment. Quinn's mouth dropped and the others froze,
stunned, unsure whether to interfere with this or not. "You..."
BOTH OF YOU! RIGHT NOW!" Jesse screamed over her.
They were
practically in each other's faces. Cassie pushed Mikki away from Nate and
Ashley pulled Nate away from Mikki. Mikki was so angry, she felt hot tears
staining her face. She turned away, refusing to look at Nate and ashamed to
look at Quinn.
Cassie walked
Mikki a few yards away from the group. "Mik, what's going on? Why are you
so... moody today?"
Mikki gave her a
very sarcastic look. "Please, like you can't figure it out."
"Oh, right. Wow,
what timing."
"I hate him!"
"No, you don't
"Yes, I do.
Whose idea WAS it to let him lead the group anyway?"
"Um, it doesn't
matter. It's over. It was just a compass."
"He's an . . ."
She sighed
heavily, then stared harshly at nothing. She was trying to avoid Cassie's
eyes. Then she started to cry.
"What's the
matter?" Cassie handled the rapid mood swing rather well.
"He... I..."
"Is this about
She refused to
look up.
"Mikki, come on,
we all know it's not true."
She didn't
answer, she only sobbed louder.
"Oh, Lord, it is
true," she said. She looked up into the sky and apologized. "Mikki... what...
when? Can I ask when?"
"Last year. Nate
found out," she said between sobs, "and I begged him not to tell anyone."
"But you never
talked about Allen. I don't get it."
Mikki looked up
at her. "I just wanted to... to make him jealous."
"Who?" Cassie
asked. "Nate?" Her heart jumped and was suspended in mid throat. She wouldn't
break that unwritten law, would she? Nate was Ashley's boyfriend!
She shook her
head. "No. Quinn."
Cassie's mouth
dropped as she raised her eyebrows. "Really?" she said with a big smile.
The smile was
contagious. "Yeah," she answered.
"But, you didn't
tell any of us, how was he supposed to be jealous?"
"Allen and Quinn
were friends last year. I figured they would talk, maybe."
"But, sleeping
with him?"
"Allen wouldn't
pay any attention to me unless I did. I just wanted to show him that somebody
wanted to be with me."
"He's not friends
with Allen any more."
Mikki shook her
head, sniffing. "No."
"Well, how did
Nate find out?"
"He picked up a
note I dropped from Allen in the library."
"And read it?"
"I guess. Not
the whole thing, I don't think, but enough of it to know."
"He never told
"I begged him,
Cassie! I couldn't let you guys think I was a whore. I was trying to get out
of it, anyway."
She was shocked.
She didn't know what to say. She wasn't sure whether she was supposed to be
sympathetic, angry, or disgusted with her. "What do you mean, trying to get out
of it? Why didn't you just stop?"
"I couldn't...
Allen found out why I was doing it and that I was... ashamed. He said he would
tell everybody."
"That boy is dead
when we get back!"
"No, please,
don't cause any more trouble, I don't want to deal with it."
Cassie sighed.
"Are you OK?"
She wiped her
eyes and nodded. "Yeah."
"OK. We need to
head back to the group." She put her arm around Mikki's shoulder and led her
Mikki cleaned her
face with her hands. "Do I look alright?" she asked.
Cassie turned to
her. "Mikki, you always look alright. That's one of the things I hate about
you!" she joked.
Mikki smiled.
"Do you think they all hate me now?"
"No," Cassie
said. "I told you, none of us believed it. I won't tell anyone."
"Yeah, well, it
doesn't matter. Nate will probably be flapping his jaws about it."
"Oh, Mik?"
"It was just a
She laughed. "I
know, right? How ridiculous am I!"
When they met up
with the rest of the group, every one seemed to have been calmed down.
"Can we go?"
Jesse asked.
Cassie nodded in
reply as Bo trotted happily over to her.
2:30 PM
Quinn had shown
them how to use the moss on the north side of the trees to find their way. With
him now in the lead, they were making good time, considering they needed to stop
and recalculate their whereabouts every now and then. By now, the sun was hot
and unmerciful, and the weariness was beginning to show on their young faces.
"I'm hungry,"
Cassie said, hoping some one else was, as well.
Bo whimpered in
"Me, too," Nate
and Jesse answered at the same time.
"Yeah, so am I,"
Ashley added, stepping around a picker bush.
"Sure, we can
stop here," Quinn said, taking his backpack off his shoulders. He had come
across two fallen logs in an almost perfect parallel on the forest floor.
They sat on the
logs and dug into their bags for food. It was obvious none of them had eaten a
bite all day.
"Don't eat too
much," Jesse said. "We need to save it as long as possible."
"You don't really
think we'll be out here that long, do you?" Mikki asked. "One of my water
bottles is empty," Ashley said.
"Already?" Nate
"I got thirsty,"
she replied. "We did a lot of walking, you know."
"Well, there has
to be a spring around here somewhere," Cassie said, looking around. She didn't
notice Bo staring at her from his seated position on the ground by her feet.
"What are you
going to feed Bo?" Quinn asked.
"Half of my
pretzels," she answered, patting her loyal companion on the head as she spoke.
"He's not a picky eater."
"Cass, want to
help me find a spring after we eat?" Ashley asked.
"That's a good
idea," Nate said. "Take mine, too, will you?"
Ashley gawked at
him, then smiled. "Yours is gone, too? And you made a big deal about mine?"
Nate smiled to
himself as he dug the water bottle out of his bag. "Mine is only half empty,
dear," he said, tossing it over to her. "But I wouldn't mind it being full
again, since you are already going to fill yours."
"Yeah, Ash, I'll
go with you. I can fill mine up, too. It's gonna need it after Bo is done."
She poured the water into her cupped hand and let him lap it up.
"I didn't even
take a sip out of mine, yet," Jesse answered.
"Hey guys," Quinn
said, swallowing a piece of his cookie. "Look over there." He pointed at a
bush only a few feet from them.
Ashley exclaimed as she got up and ran over to the bush to harvest. "And look
how big and delicious they look!"
"That's so
weird," Mikki said. "Usually the birds have them all gone by now." She got up
and joined her. "Well, hey, they'll add a nice touch to lunch!"
"Ooh! I love
raspberries! Let me pick some!" Cassie called as she, too, got up and went to
the bush.
"Isn't this
funny," Quinn said. "All you need is the right words and the proper training
and the women will do the work for you." Jesse and Nate found it funny as well.
"Isn't it funny
that you boys won't be eating any because we're doing all the picking?" Cassie
said back to him. "Well, except for Bo, of course. He would help us if he was
a man."
"Right," Nate
Ashley shot him a
look, trying to hide her smile.
"What? I didn't
say anything!" he said.
"Right," she
"That? That was
Jess," Nate said, pushing Jesse off the log.
"Hey! Don't get
me into this!" Jesse said, trying to push himself back up onto the log. "He
said it, Ash! I heard it with my own two ears!"
"I did not!" Nate
said. "How could you lie about something like that, Jess?"
They all broke
out in laughter. Bo joined in with his barking.
The girls sat
down again and finished eating the berries. Cassie laid half of a handful onto
the ground for Bo. Jesse watched Bo inhale the berries like a vacuum. He
studied the size of the dog... then the size of Cassie's backpack. There was no
way she would have enough food if they ended up out here too long. He hoped
they would come across more berries for dinner that night.
"Cass, let's go
find a spring," Ashley said, getting up and brushing the dirt off of the seat of
her jeans. She picked up Nate's and her water bottles.
"Yep," Cassie
answered. She turned to Jesse. "You need water?"
"No, I'm good.
Thank you, though," he said.
She smiled.
"Don't miss us too much," she said as she and Ashley headed into the woods in
search of the nearest spring.
"Wait, guys!"
Mikki called after them. "You're not leaving me here with these guys!" She got
up and ran after them.
"I resent that!"
Nate called after her.
"WE resent that!"
Quinn yelled. They chuckled.
"Wow, listen,"
Jesse said.
"To what?" Quinn
asked, not hearing anything.
"The quiet,"
Jesse answered. "I don't think they've stopped talking since we sat down!"
Nate and Quinn
laughed. "Oh yeah," Nate said. "Listen to the peace!" Suddenly, their "peace"
was broken by a loud crack of laughter off in the woods. "I wonder what's so
funny?" Quinn asked.
"You know them,"
Jesse said. "It's probably about you."
Jesse and Nate
laughed. "Oh HA HA," Quinn said, unenthusiastically.
When their
laughing fit was over, Nate turned to Jesse. "Before they get back," he began.
"Yeah?" Jesse
asked, waiting for the rest.
"This morning,
with Cassie..."
"No." Jesse knew
what they were going to say. It had crossed his mind a few times that day, too.
"Jess, he has a
point. It's exactly what happened to Bobby," Quinn said.
"No. It's just a
coincidence, just like the dreams," Jesse said, then realized he had spilled the
"What dreams?"
Nate asked. "What are you talking about?"
"Nothing. I
don't know why I said that. Never mind," he said, trying to cover himself.
"Jess, tell us
what you're talking about," Quinn said.
"It's nothing,"
he answered, closing up his backpack.
"It's not
nothing," Nate said, sternly.
Jesse looked up
in surprise.
"She's my best
friend, Jess, you think I don't know when something is on her mind?"
He didn't know
what to say. "You... well, did she tell you about it?"
"No, you know how
she is. She keeps things to herself all the time. She won't talk to me about
"Then I can't
tell you."
"You don't want
to tell me."
He looked up in
"I know you,
Jesse sighed.
"All right. She's had a few nightmares."
"What kind of
"You know, like,
she saw things before they happened."
"I know what a
premonition is. She never had that before," he answered, not believing what he
was hearing.
"Tell us," Quinn
urged. "What did she dream about?"
Jesse heard
laughter coming from off in the distance. "I'll tell you later. Tonight, when
the girls fall asleep, we can talk."
"I'm going to
hold you to that," Nate said. "She's like my sister. I need to know when
something's going on."
Jesse nodded,
understanding, but also a little jealous. They finished packing up their things
and the girls' things as well. By the time Cassie, Ashley and Mikki came back,
they were ready to go.
"Here," Ashley
said to Nate as she chucked his water bottle to him. "It's all filled up. Yo,
water never tasted so good," she said.
"Water is water,"
Quinn said. "What's so great about it?"
incredible," Cassie said. "Here, taste it." She handed her bottle to him. He
took a sip and handed it back. It was surprisingly refreshing and... "Pure."
"Yeah, isn't it?"
Ashley said, picking up her bag. "I told you it was good."
"All right, come
on, we have to keep moving," Nate said.
Ashley and Mikki
both sighed. "Oh, all right," they said, tiredly.

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