The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website



Natalia Zaretsky

"To say I am a poet is to say
I am a good person"
Robert Frost

Am I?
A poet is a mission, a title, a profession -
I feel uneasy to wear this crown.
How can I claim belonging to that royalty?

I am a teacher, a theater lover,
a mother, a reader,
who happens to write poetry
and trust to paper
thoughts and observations
filling gaps between them
with rhythm and feelings.

On the descending slope of the hill,
leaving behind a long tumultuous life,
I discover a new bracing sea of words.
I love to immerse into its enormity,
searching for a word, holding my breath,
then emerge above the surface
with the one, urgent and lucid,
like gulping fresh salty air.

As seasonable curly pollen
from poplars or redwoods,
a metaphor of immediate intensity
sifts down through the spring
into midst of words and lines.

From the mirror that I hold onto the reality,
an image suddenly pops into a strophe
and becomes alive and finds
its dwelling and reflection
on a white yearning page.

At last, a poem is airborne
and I just happen to be there.

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