The Writer's Voice

The World's Favourite Literary Website

Holding Hands


Loyal Wray

To hold the hand of someone you love is one of the most wondrous things in this life.

The courage that holding a parent's hand gives us as children. Knowing that someone who loves us without reservation and who will always protect us is there at our side.

The wonder and almost painful excitement of a young boy or girl... holding the hand of a school sweetheart. The pride and embarrassment of holding hands on a first date.

The special feeling that goes with holding the hand of someone we have chosen to share a life with. Someone we want to share in bringing our children into this world and making their lives as wonderful as we possibly can.

A wedding ceremony with all it's pomp and circumstance. The vows exchanged, the kissing of the bride, the dancing afterward... even the sharing of one's body that takes place after the guests have long since found their way home... one photograph or memory will often stand out among the many taken or cherished of that day. A moment alone... holding hands and each looking into the very soul of the other.

The shared intimacy of a young married couple in a new social setting... both unsure and frightened in a room of strangers. Unable to hold and reassure one another... but able to reach out and squeeze the hand of the other. To send a message that says "I'm here for you. You are my special, chosen someone."

Sitting at the bedside of a parent who is dying. Unable to find words to express the love... the hurt and sense of loss you are feeling... the coming together of hands... yours and theirs for a final bonding. A gripping of hands that tries to say it all even as tears and overwhelming grief make speech impossible.

The pain of childbirth... made more bearable by clutching the hand of the man who tries so hard... but cannot share this pain with you.

Your baby's hand as it squeezes your finger for the first time...

Your child... life having come full circle, holding your hand and knowing that this world is a safe place with you at their side. Their first day in school... the first day in church... their first party... feeling the sweaty little palm that is so afraid to let go.

The fights and quarrels that could be so quickly ended if one would only reach out to the other. Just reach out and take the other's hands and say "I love you. Nothing else matters more than that."

Holding the hand of a friend. Consoling a friend. Sharing joy with a friend. "Just being there" for a friend. Holding the hand of a friend can say so many things.

And then... you can hardly believe how soon that day arrives. The children are gone. It's just the two of you. You sit at a kitchen table and wonder what comes next. You take the hand of this person who has been such a large part of your life these many years. You examine the hand closely. It's no longer young. The skin is chapped and wrinkled and veins are there for all to see. For everyone but you...

What YOU see is the hand you have held in sickness and in health. During good times and bad. For richer or poorer. You squeeze that hand. The message is the same now as it was then. "I'm here for you. You are my special, chosen someone."

I am comfortable with my bachelorhood. I cherish my time alone...

But, sometimes... when things aren't going so well. Or even when things are going just great, I miss holding hands.

I miss it a lot..........................................

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