was a time when
you told me you loved me
and I believed every word.
I hadn't a doubt in the world
that our love was made to last.
There was a time that
when our lips met,
I was lost in a world all my own.
Where no one existed but you and me.
A place where we dreamed
about the future of our family.
There was a time that
your touch sent me into such
excitement I could hardly breathe.
We'd lie there together
and explore and discover
every inch of each other.
Knowing, as crazy as it is now to think,
that we would last for eternity.
Now days when I hear, "I love you,"
It doesn't hold the same value.
I know that those feelings can't live on.
That they will one day become
just a memory of a wonderful past.
When I see you now and you kiss my lips,
the world I am lost in is
one that is void of you.
I'm the only one there, standing
in a room of darkness--
crying over the death of our love.
When I feel the softness of your caress,
it still takes my breath away,
but for a different reason now--
I never know when it will be our last touch.
So in these final days of our togetherness,
I gather memories and pack them into
a place where no one can take them away.
Somewhere that they can live on.
I will allow them to haunt me.
Allow them to show me where I went wrong.
So that maybe one day when I enter that world
where we have always lived inside my dreams,
I can have peace--
even if only for awhile.
Peace knowing that for once in my life,
I knew true love.
And serenity in knowing that even
if I never love again,
I loved once--
and I loved completely.