The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website



Henry Igbinedion

           Those far off days,

Dreams were dreams.

Our hearts heard,

          The incantatory chants of our oracles

Ears heard the ecstatic splashes;

      Of mermaids in our rivers.


         In those yonder days

Our eyes glimpsed the incandescence of a thousand Suns,

Undefiled by men’s gluttony,

    Laughter was our lot.


         Those far off days

Mothers trudged the bush paths

To virgin lands and

       There, with Herculean men

Toiled and tilled the land,

From its womb, we reaped abundantly

      We fed on Eden.


     In those yonder days

Our hearts divined communion with our gods.

Ailments, herbs a cure.

We lived life’s vagaries,

     Contented we were


      But today?

We have changed our laughter to grin

Our peace to war,

And canned our appetite to death

    Letting greed consume our hearts.

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