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Between Heaven and Hell
Frank Blacharczyk

( Dedicated to those who died and lived and survived concentration camps)
the war arrived she died she survived.
I didn’t see it coming before I was born sanity was crucified the devils were
running the asylum between heaven and hell
she was running but couldn’t escape war’s prison intolerable cruelty with
shameful words
paradise didn’t exist no where to be found
no where to run no where to hide caught in the cross-fire of hate
concentration camps were not homes guards were not family no family reunions no
family suppers
empty grace before empty plates with empty eyes staring at an empty future
staring with contempt at Judas and 30 pieces of gold
mirror mirror on the wall shattered by 30 gold pieces
chained between heaven and hell
God are you there?
she was a second class bruised homeless banana eating a gourmet meal out of a
garbage can
telling no one trusting no one lying to save her life learning to deny deny
survival had a price
the sun was shining the sky was blue but where was that damn sun anyway
evolution revolution revelation termination,
expiration date stamped and dutifully thrown a way forgotten
mirror mirror shot more than once by a reflection
left for dead resurrected stalking her again
chained between heaven and hell
God are you there
everything was lost lost never to come back
her heart was in turmoil denying any sins
never confessing them to man or her maker
mirror mirror on the wall back from the past damn that mirror
she was a child never grew up she was a child hiding in a garbage can
her anger shouted out time and time any time blocking the cursed memory her
enemy locked up in her relentless camp lying was her
only refuge her messiah against the devils
war is hell it is said over and over again repeatedly by those who send men to
the devil teases, mocks God creating doubt in His creation there is no God in
war smell the scent of death smell the scent of
so glad she survived the cost was her soul
chained between heaven and hell
God are you there
Judas evaded her grip slipped through her fingers
she argued with anybody for any reason followed by a lurking mirror she wished
would go away
Jacob and God fought and so did she with Judas until he was finally pinned and
she was free
released from her prison forgiven into the arms of heaven
God are you there
Yes always
and I was in her womb wanting to escape
always running from my mother’s guilt
the shouting gets louder, intolerable
I was being followed by the mirror
plaguing my mind with unknown shame in a camp guarded by devils that I can’t
chained between heaven and hell
God are you there

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