Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Edie Miller

Relocation of body, spirit and mind.
Crawling into a space so small and remote,
you'll never find me
with your fists of rage
and misplaced hatred.
Forced into hiding,
donning a mask of anonymity on the outside
while a cloak of unplanned emptiness
covers my soul.
I go forward with trepidation
knowing I will never again be the same person,
You saw to that.
Faced with mortality, a choice is made.
Terror is replaced with tenacity
or left unbridled.
The road ahead is paved with uncertainty
but shouldered with faith.
Always will I be faced
with the ferocity you unleashed.
Flinch after flinch
I will feel the imaginary pain
that once was very real.
A haunted life I now lead,
shadowed with elusive nightmares
and waking demons.
But live on I will,
facing each day with the grace of God,
knowing I was spared.

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