(Written in loving memory of his father)
The wisp of breath from his heavy lungs
Warms my wet face.
I kiss the place near his temple which
I own from years of good-byes.
Ignoring my silent screams, time rushes toward
The crossroads without urgency.
I have known this moment for years, yet now,
It is a cruel stranger that stays against my will.
It is I who must go.
It is I who must turn to greet the morn
While night stays upon my father’s face.
Then suddenly, I am him and he is me.
I fold my arms around his failing
Spirit and lift him to myself.
We share one last glance and he is mine.
I fight the tide that surrounds me
And turn from his lifeless form.
And there before me, without a hint of chance,
Is the road, showered in light and a voice
From my soul saying, “Let’s go.”