The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Let’s Go


Donnelly Fenn

(Written in loving memory of his father)

The wisp of breath from his heavy lungs

Warms my wet face.

I kiss the place near his temple which

I own from years of good-byes.

Ignoring my silent screams, time rushes toward

The crossroads without urgency.

I have known this moment for years, yet now,

It is a cruel stranger that stays against my will.

It is I who must go.

It is I who must turn to greet the morn

While night stays upon my father’s face.

Then suddenly, I am him and he is me.

I fold my arms around his failing

Spirit and lift him to myself.

We share one last glance and he is mine.

I fight the tide that surrounds me

And turn from his lifeless form.

And there before me, without a hint of chance,

Is the road, showered in light and a voice

From my soul saying, “Let’s go.”

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