The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website



Devin E. Davidson

Lust can be a crime
Lust can also be so fly
Lust is like your most beautiful bottle of wine
Lust is knowing love doesn't matter
Lust is knowing one is wanting you
Lust is knowing you want him too
Lust is knowing it is okay to venture
Lust is knowing she has everything
Lust is knowing it can last forever
Lust is knowing the bedroom is not the goal
Lust is knowing there are no mistakes
Lust is having confidence
Lust is just doing it
Lust is pleasuring her slowly
Lust is then pleasuring her a little more
Lust is knowing it's her decision to make
Lust is also knowing when to step away
Lust is having no choice but to wait

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