The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Dark Side of Genius


David J. Collins

There is a call that only a few can hear.

It is a soft and gentle whisper that grows in intensity and volume.

It is a pitch which focuses one's mind away from unpleasant thoughts toward thoughts of solace and quietude.

Those few who can hear listen intently and find comfort in the sound which pulls and lures the troubled mind.

The notes represent an alternative initially, but as one listens and becomes engulfed in the sound - the alternative becomes an imperative, and the imperative becomes an absolute.

To those disquieted the Sirens sing of comfort. To those who are brave and adventurous the Sirens sing of a journey into the unknown with promises of the possibility for new adventure. To those who have become bored by the monotony of life they promise the possibility of an exciting new world.

By the increasing tempo of their rhythm and melody the Sirens seduce their listener to the brink of promised possibilities, where one can only be summoned back by the more appealing and more melodious voice of Orpheus.

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