Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Distant Man - Part
Daniel R. Menage

As the
crowd broke into yet another round of singing and dancing on tables a traveler
sat in a dark corner, alone. It was just the way he liked it. His brown cloak
blended in perfectly with the wooden wall. The fire in the center of the room
gave his facial features a hardened look. His cowl cast a deep shadow on his
eyes, which still gleamed in the light. He sloshed his last mouthful of ale in
the bottom of his cup before tilting it to his mouth and finishing it.
He glanced
through the window at the moon, almost full; he knew that staying would be a
mistake. He sat there staring at in awe. What he saw was his maiden, his
one. And he wondered if she too had seen the moon yet, if she thought of him.
Then his mind came to a better reasoning, and he realized she was no longer his,
better yet that he was no longer hers.
He set his
mug on the bench beside him and threw three gold doubloons* inside it. Then he
swiftly left out the back; he would have to run fast to cover the distance he
had lost tonight. He knew that these expeditions cost him time, and money he
would need later. But he needed to be reminded that he used to be human like
everyone else, had merry friends and loyal lovers - but he also needed to accept
his 'new responsibilities'.
He was told
to make it to Tabletook by the next full moon. Which would be tomorrow, and he
knew he wouldn't make it unless he took a straight line and risked the forest
for a few hours. His mind began to wander as was so usual now. This time he
dreamed of her. His lost one. Though at the time he did not know it, he knew
it now, the last time they would be together. A bright flash passed before his
eyes, and he was there…
A babbling brook
flowed carelessly under a meticulously crafted stone bridge. She had hair the
color of spun gold. All pinned up with light pink blossoms. Around her as if
by some spell hundreds upon thousands of the same blossoms floated like
She looked so
beautiful in a white silk dress. She spun 'round and 'round in circles
heedlessly on a bridge which barely fit the bottom of her dress. Which she had
a good fist full of in her hand, just to make it clear the ground. She stopped
and started to go the other way. Her dress looked to have a mind of its own and
continued in the first direction for a little bit.
There had been a
dull aching in the back of his skull for weeks, telling him to forget about his
specious** humanity. This dull ache now reared its ugly head and became a
searing pain. He knew what was causing these flashbacks, his sporadic contact
with his lost humanity. So many things gone but not forgotten, too many. The
image to follow would stick out in his mind forever.
He was standing
in a palace. In front of him, on a small table was a vase, dark blue with
yellow elven markings around it. He walked up to it, he had a need to touch
it. Without warning it shattered. Pieces of it smashed up against the walls,
many against him cutting his skin deeply. He willed himself to be pulled out of
this dream and back to reality. Slowly a dark forest replaced the palace.
Everything was
still. In this pitch black nothing moved. Then with a crash the forest came to
life. The wind rustled the trees, crickets called, wolves howled. The whole
forest seemed unbelievably alive.
"This is not the
time to be of a faint heart, Till," he said to himself, as he thought no one was
around to hear him. Suddenly remembering why he was here, he began to run
again. He was swift now; he made little or no sound as he sped through the dark
wood. Not even a twig cracked under him. His cloak was slapping the air like a
giant flag. He was stealthy and quick. As he ran he tuned out the forest;
slowly its sounds began to fade. After a few seconds all he could hear was the
sound of his heart and his racing breath. He could already see a road in the
*Doubloons - Gold coins.
**Specious - Deceptively plausible, but false.

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