The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

The Truth About It


Cesar A. Miranda

All your life, pain and suffering,
I can see, reflected in your eyes,
Seeing you begging for your life,
Knowing you can’t fight back,
Knowing that the end is coming,
Lying down, with nothing more to say,
Only knowing that the time is short,
Death’s approaching,
Keeping your memories,
Knowing this sadness can not stop,
Fighting a battle you’ve already lost,
There are errors that can not
be  repaired,
And this one is finishing you off.

Falling by your own hand,
Killing yourself, addictions we can't stop,
Until it is too late, errors that can mark our lives,
This is the truth about it, you should know,
Or you just found out too late,
In a moment of pleasure, your whole life,
To the trash went.

Yeah you say, to me won’t happen,
Like that, many I have heard,
You are young, healthy, you’re alive,
You never think, or don’t want to open your eyes,
Oh yes that is me, Mr. perfect, those things don’t happen to me.

What you don’t really know,
Is that death in beauty hides,
In pleasure, it brings us pain,
A moment in heaven,
Can turn to an eternity in hell.

Now you look back, yeah you say,
How did it happen, what have I done?
People always told me, but now,
It’s too late to regret,
No one knows what you feel,
Your life, finished by your own hand,
But people can react,
And make sure,
That won’t happen to them.

All your life pain and suffering,
I can see, reflected in your eyes,
Now you know, just make sure,
You understood,
The truth about it.

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