Writer's Voice
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Believe Me My Dear
Carol Roth

The eyes of your heart saw an artist. You said,
"Write something for me. Don’t be shy. Go ahead.
Plant the seed and shine your light,
Feed it love till you feel your delight".
One night on Long Island, out by the Sound
You filled up my heart with the me you had found.
"Your unique soul is a creative feast"
"Believe me, my dear, I’m Curzon Cortes".
A poet of words, fashion, and soul
Your drive to help others -- an insatiable goal.
Wherever you’ve gone and whatever you are
Thank you for seeing my inner star.
On the Barcelona hill where you wanted to be
Below the villa looking out toward the sea
Rest sweetly, Curzon, -- feather in my soul
That tickles and lightens and begs me to grow.
Four lifetimes you lived in one 68 years.
I remember your love and my eyes fill with tears.
All the memories of you, of your heart, of that night,
I will honour and heed them till I feel your delight.

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