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The Force
Alice C. Bateman

The Force, we’ve called You through the years
And ‘Oh, God, help us’ through our tears
We sense Your Might, Your vast domain
We need Your Strength to ease our pain
Help us change the way things are
Help us crush the fears
Help us fight the demons
That pursue us through the years
We’ll help You too, as best we can
We’ll try to help our fellow man
We’ll teach them how to help themselves
We’ll teach them how to live again
You are our God, our Guiding Light
You help us see in darkest night
We live for You, to do Your Will
Through Your sweet Love our dreams fulfill
You know where the endings lie
The twists and turns we’ll take
You know where we’ll live
The friends and foes we’ll make
You’ll send or withhold children
You’ll take the ones we love
We cannot comprehend You
But we understand Your Love

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