Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Purple Nurples
Alice C. Bateman

if all our skins were purple
And all our hair
was green
Say we called each
other nurples
There was nothing
in between
No races, different
No origins, no past
Then we’d all be
purple nurples
Maybe we could make
it last
What if we all
ignored our colours
Called ourselves
Children of God
And there wasn’t
any status
No more classes, no
Would we all then
love each other
Or would we find
something new
To choose to
quarrel over
No doubt that’s
what we’d do
We’ve got to make a
choice now
All God’s children,
one by one
To treat each other
With respect before
we’re done
God’s getting tired
of how we treat
Each other and our
Let’s all pretend
we’re purple nurples
Despite the
differences of birth

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