Writer's Voice
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A Candle in a Dirty Glass
Alice C. Bateman

A candle in a dirty glass
A sad reflection of my past
The flame burned bright
The light endured
The glass it shone through
Was impured
By all the dirty finger prints
Of life upon my flesh
By all the haunting memories
Through which I did my best
Although not nearly ever
Enough to please this world
I just want to live it over
Become a little girl
With bright and shining future
With heroes, princes, knights
Who would come to rescue me
Protect me as my right
When it is in truth the women
Who all the battles fight
Of life and death
And peace and war
We shatter in the night
And when we can't go onward
And when we’ve had enough
We still must carry forward
In God must put our trust

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