Writer's Voice
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Twenty Fifty-Five:
Prophecy or Science Fiction?
Alice C. Bateman

Anyway, I keep trying to write down what happened way back
then. Of course there were no newscasts to let us know. All of a sudden there
was no electrical power, and there was somehow a different feeling to the
atmosphere. John and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows, rounded up my
five younger children - the two oldest were both married and away - and loaded
them into his mini-van.
Luckily for us, the gas tank was full. All the computerized
gas pumps were shut down. We drove from my little townhouse at the south end of
Hamilton down to Concession Street and pulled into the park at the north end of
Upper Gage. The kids all piled out and headed for the playground, big ones
supervising little ones, but John and I were compelled to walk over to the edge
of the park overlooking the lower city.
You can imagine our astonishment when the lower city was no
longer there! The lake, usually several miles away on the far side of the busy
city, was now lapping up against the rocky ridge, about a foot below where we
were standing. Nor could we see the far side of the bay as we always had been
able to. Water stretched calmly as far as we could see. All sorts of debris
floated on the top of the new lake, stuff that such a short time previously had
been the belongings of people who were no longer alive.
We clasped hands tightly, said a prayer for all the souls
that were now lost, and then walked slowly back to John's vehicle to turn on the
radio. The only station we could find playing was K-Lite FM, whose station was
up on what was called "The Mountain," operating on emergency power.
They had no real idea what had happened; confusion reigned on the airwaves and
everywhere else.
No one seemed to know what actually happened. The radio
people were panicked, because all their telephone calls to other Southern
Ontario radio stations couldn't be completed. Their own switchboard was dead. I
know I'm using words that you're probably not familiar with, since most of these
things ceased to exist over fifty years ago, but it's impossible to tell the
story without them. I'll try to explain as much as possible before I'm finished.
Eventually, roaming here and there and talking to everyone we
could, we were told that the St. Lawrence River, flowing in from the East Coast,
had burst it banks from an inrush of ocean water. To the north, Hudson Bay
overflowed and covered a great portion of land with water. The Great Lakes rose
dramatically, swallowing up all the cities thriving on their shores.
We heard that on the West Coast, the Pacific Ocean rose until
it hit the wall of the Rocky Mountains, inundating all the Canadian and US
cities along the coast. Someone said the first wave actually smashed over the
wall of the mountains and covered most of the settled areas of Alberta before
receding a few weeks later and remaining on the western side of the Rockies,
settling among the high foothills on that side.
John's own home in Niagara Falls was suddenly gone. The
Niagara River, like all the other rivers, was unrecognisable, more like a long
flowing lake. Niagara Falls, a beautiful natural attraction and tourist
destination, disappeared.
Millions and millions and millions of people were suddenly
gone. All the electrical and nuclear power plants were drowned, all the
technology man was so proud of creating wiped out in moments.
Naturally, the kids missed their television for quite a
while, and I missed my computer, but we gradually learned to live a different
and more real life. I was sorry that John lost his home, but it wasn't long
until we left my own behind as well. With no heat for the winter months, we
decided to head farther south and see what was happening.
In the high hills of New York State (New York City was gone
too, of course), we came across a man who explained why he thought the waters
had risen. His theory was that the hotter and hotter weather made the polar
icecaps melt at a much faster rate than they should. As a result, massive chunks
of ice sliding into the northern and southern oceans caused a sudden and
dramatic increase in the ocean levels all over the world.
The man we met said he had predicted just this eventuality,
but nobody would listen to him. Now there was hardly anyone left to listen if
they wanted to. Personally, I think it was a plain and simple act of God.
I forgot to mention that before we headed south my married
children found us, and we all decided to travel together. Before the floods
there was an incredible system of roads, highways and superhighways, always
clogged with endless traffic. Almost every family had at least one
gasoline-powered vehicle, polluting the air terribly. I was not unhappy to see
an end to all that, but it certainly made travelling anywhere a lot more
difficult with most of the highways drowned. And after the gasoline ran out, we
had to find alternate transportation.
My older son's (including my son-in-law David) minds were
always working, and after we made our way west and south for some time, their
ingenuity eventually equipped us with three solar-powered vehicles. We liberated
the solar panels from an abandoned house on what used to be a high hill. We
couldn't figure out why someone would abandon a house that had solar power to
heat their home and water, but eventually concluded that they must have been
caught in one of the cities when the floods hit. We contemplated staying there,
but our curiosity to explore our new world was too overwhelming.
It was really eerie for a long time, seldom encountering
other living people. I'm trying to ignore and not tell about all the dead ones
we found, but I have to say it. During the first few months, we had to retrieve
endless corpses from the water, and burn them. This made all of us that helped
with the job dreadfully sad and sometimes physically ill, but it was a duty that
had to be done.
We endlessly questioned why John and I and my family had been
spared from what we considered to be the Judgement of God, but all we could do
was go on from day to day, doing whatever horrible tasks we had to perform. We
all thanked God every day for sparing us, and mourned those who had been lost.
Some of the worst times were when we came upon a family that
had survived the floods, only to starve to death in the absence of grocery
stores and ready food supplies. Late twentieth century society spent so much
time on pleasure and entertainment that they forgot how to survive and take care
of their own basic needs. They assumed that their easy, lazy lifestyle would
last forever, and food would always be there for the simple exchange of money.
Money no longer had any meaning. We had a lot of people to
feed, with my large family, and collected as much food as we could from
abandoned places along the way. It was too early in the season for many
vegetables to be growing, but when we could we picked strawberries and other
fruits in their seasons, and somehow managed to survive that first year.
When we got to the farthest southern point we could and still
be on land - Florida was gone, most of Texas was under a blanket of water - we
set up a base where we planted our gardens. We by now had a few animals in our
little convoy, three milk cows we had acquired along the way, and five horses
we'd found running loose about halfway down here.
We didn't stay very long at the base in the early years,
although two adults were always left there at any one time, with guns we'd found
in different places. Some of the people we met along the way were so desperate
for food that they would literally kill to get it, and we had to make sure our
place could be defended if it became necessary.
There were always those who would rather take from others
than look after themselves, but since the floods, there are so many less. That
sort usually stuck to the cities. But desperation makes people do desperate
things, and John and I agreed that we'd rather know we could defend ourselves if
the eventuality arose.
Amazingly, to my knowledge, we are all still alive and
healthy. Most of the children are now living away from us, but we travel around
to visit them on a rotating basis, keeping in touch with the various little
communities that they have helped to establish.
The air is so much cleaner; it amazes me that we ever managed
to live through the pollution of those other days. And the stresses on us are
natural ones, not things like how are we going to get that new Nintendo system
the kids want, or how we're going to keep up with the credit card payments.
Even the youngest children learned fairly quickly how to get
along without the hundreds of toys they at one time considered essential. One
thing we don't have to do without is music. I'd invested in a solar-powered CD
player just before the world changed, so I still have my favourite music. I
haven't been able to record any of the new songs I've written, there's no way to
do that, but I do play the guitar we salvaged from somewhere years ago, and I
also sing some of my songs for the family. The children have learned them to
pass along to their own kids. It never fails to stir my heart and bring tears to
my eyes when some or other of the grandchildren sing one or two of my own songs.
I seem to have a knack for writing verse, and even before the
floods I had already written over a hundred and fifty poems and songs, many of
them trying to remind people to believe in and thank God for their lives and
loves. And many about the heartbreak caused by the men in my life before John.
Since being with John, I have written about the joy of our love, and since the
floods, the few songs I've written are about the sadness and changes that
followed. I'll share some of them here with you as we go along.
Chapter Three

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